Attendance levels in school have slowly been creeping up since Christmas so we are now above the national average at 94.7%. This has obviously been positive and is down to parents and children together making every effort to attend whenever they are well enough. We are still well below our pre-Covid levels of attendance that were always around 96 or 97% but with excellent attendance to the end of the summer we should be able to at least break the 95% barrier which would mean that on average children at Manor are missing quarter of a day each week or about 10 days a year.
Of course, there are times when children are too poorly to come in. This week we have sent a message about the small number of scarlet fever cases that we have had at school with links to NHS information. This is an illness that can spread easily, but once a doctor has prescribed anti-biotics and children are feeling well enough, they can return within a day or so as they should no longer be contagious, even if they still have a rash. As ever, if children are too poorly for school, with high temperatures, sickness and diarrhoea etc., then they should clearly stay at home and medical advice be sought.
When it comes to holidays in term time, we are not allowed to authorise these, so in almost all cases a penalty notice will be issued. Please make sure to only book holidays in the 13 weeks of school holidays throughout the school year. The INSET Days for next school year are now on our school calendar on the website so do check this before booking anything. The INSET Days are often tagged onto a school holiday so can maybe give a cheaper flight date occasionally, as not as many schools will be off that day. Thank you for your support in this.