Vision and Values
Our MANOR Values
Manor Primary Academy – Lighting the fires of our future
Our Vision
The academy will be outward looking, working in partnership with other institutions and the local community, learning from others and sharing good practice.
Children will be independent, resilient, reflective and confident individuals who understand their role as important members of their local, national and international communities.
We will deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which inspires and ignites a love of learning. We will provide a range of experiences to enhance knowledge and skills which pupils will carry forward to their adult lives.
All children will achieve high expectations from their individual starting points. Standards of teaching and learning across the whole school and its curriculum will be outstanding.
Academy Aims:
Manor Primary is a small, friendly school at the heart of the village community. We provide challenge and support at every level, and drive for success through our high expectations, in a safe and secure environment. Our teamwork develops respect and tolerance whilst valuing independence and creativity. We are forward-thinking and passionate about learning, inspiring children now, creating possibilities and building dreams. Above all else we are a happy school where life-long friendships are forged.
In order to achieve these overall aims the school promotes and fosters the following values:
Values and attitudes
To encourage qualities of self-discipline, confidence, perseverance, independence and a pride in their own achievements through the promotion of our MANOR Values of:
Manners - We are polite and respectful
Aspiration - We always do our best
Nurture - We are kind and look after each other
Open-Mindedness - We are tolerant, celebrate our differences and try new things
Resilience - We never give up
Spiritual, Moral and Social
To encourage children to have an appreciation and respect for ideas and beliefs different to their own and to respect the religious convictions of others.
To emphasise the principles which distinguish right from wrong. To acquire a set of moral values and have the confidence to make and hold moral judgements
To help children develop an awareness of self and a sensitivity to others.
To help children to take responsibility, to participate appropriately in the community and to develop an understanding of citizenship.
Communication Skills
To help the children to develop the ability to read fluently, accurately, with understanding, feeling and discrimination.
To help them be able to communicate clearly and confidently in speech and writing, in ways appropriate for various occasions and purposes.
To help them develop the ability to listen attentively and with understanding.
To help them develop the ability to work co-operatively with others, involving contributing to and comprehending ideas
Skills of Observation, Discovery and Experimentation
To help children develop the skills to investigate problems, find solutions and interpret evidence.
To help children develop an awareness and interest in the geographical, historical and social aspects of the environment and to be aware of other times and places.
To be able to observe living and inanimate things and to recognise characteristics such as pattern and order.
Creative Skills
To encourage the development of various means of self expression and creativity through speech, writing, art, music, movement etc.
Physical Skills
To help the children develop agility and physical co-ordination, confidence in and through physical activity and the ability to express feeling through movement.
Mathematical Skills
To teach children to apply computational skills with speed and accuracy.
To help children understand the applications of mathematical ideas in various situations
Information Communication Technology
To help the children learn how to acquire and interpret information from various sources and to record information and findings in various ways.
To give the children opportunities to use information sources and I.T. tools to solve problems and support learning in a variety of contexts.
Abilities and Aptitudes
To enhance the particular capabilities of each child, and to develop those gifts through appropriate learning experiences and activities.