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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


Welcome to Robins Class

Your teachers are: Mr Forman, Mrs Smith and Mrs Turner.


Mrs Smith - Teaching Assistant Mr Forman - Class Teacher Mrs Turner - Teaching Assistant

Robins class is a mixed Nursery/Reception class. Mr Forman is the class teacher and is supported by our Robins Teaching Assistants, Mrs Perry and Mrs Smith.

Here at Manor, we recognise that settling into school is a big step for your child and we endeavour to make it a happy transition.

Our aim is to make school a happy, stimulating and rewarding environment for your child to discover, learn and play in a wide range of experiences.

Important Information.

Reading books - Reading books will be changed on a weekly basis. Please remember to sign your child's reading diary when you share a book. This may simply be a date and initials. This helps to see who is reading regularly at home.

Water Bottles – your child will have their water bottles cleaned every day and re-filled with ‘brain juice’ each morning. We aim to encourage a healthy appetite for water and keeping hydrated. Children can bring their own named bottles in - we would encourage these to contain only water if possible. Please ensure any drinks sent to school are still ones - thank you. Any concerns, please speak to a member of the Robins team.

PE- When our P.E. lessons start they will initially take place wearing school uniform. Please don't worry about having a PE kit until after Christmas. We will let you know when we start this. Thank you.

Home Learning Opportunities- Each fortnight, you will receive a ‘Robin’s News’ newsletter where there will be information about the things that the Robins have been doing, upcoming topics of learning, and a suggested home learning activity. This is an opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s learning and complete an activity at home.

Collins Big Cat ebooks

Oxford Owl free ebooks

New Robins and Ducklings for September 2024

  • See attachment below

Home Learning 

Summer Learning

  • Please see the attachments listed below the newsletters. The first attachment entitled 'Summer Learning' gives you some background on how to use the documents. Thank you.

  • Other useful documents


Please see below attachments