Sleepy hedgehogs!

It's that time of year when hedgehogs like to hibernate.
As part of our learning about the season of winter, Robins and Ducklings have been finding out about animals that hibernate – such as hedgehogs. The learning actually started with a craft creation that the children made. In small groups, the children mixed together some flour, salt and water to make salt dough. This was then shared out amongst each small group so that they could form their piece of salt dough into a hedgehog shape. The children then added match sticks to represent the hedgehog spikes and some googly eyes so that it could see where it would be going. We let the salt dough hedgehogs dry out so that they would be ready for the next part of their adventure. On Wednesday, Robins and Ducklings took their hedgehogs down to the forest area. Once there, they could replicate what real hedgehogs do to hibernate for the winter, that is, collect leaves and other woodland materials to make a nice warm bed to see them through the winter. The children have learnt that hibernation is not just simply going to sleep. If asked, they should be able to tell you what happens to the heartbeat of animals that hibernate over the winter period - that's because the children are amazing scientists!