Merry Manor Christmas Fair
Fabulous festive fun at the fair! PTA Christmas Fair is a great success!
Fabulous festive fun at the fair! PTA Christmas Fair is a great success!
We are thrilled to announce that our recent fundraising initiative has been a resounding success all thanks to the incredible generosity of our parents and families of our pupils.
Owls have enjoyed multiple experiments in science recently. They have explored the features of different rocks including sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. They compared the permeability, hardness and reaction to acid (vinegar).
Today children have learnt how fossils are created. They used bread, dinosaur toys and water to represent the process of sediment building up around a carcass, creating a cast of the animal and how it filled with water and minerals to create a fossil.
In Penguins Class, we believe that research skills are key to both English and History learning. This week, our students have been busy applying these skills in exciting ways across two subjects!
Robins and Ducklings have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Diwali – the festival of light.
Penguins enjoyed visiting the library bus this week.
Exciting news - Scholastic Book Fair is coming to school on Thursday 28th November for four days.
What a fantastic first week back for Swans! They have been working hard with concrete resources in maths as well as using aerial photographs and maps in geography.
Owls Class have been learning all about 3D sculptures in art this half term. They have learnt about and explored positive & negative space; the works of Sir Anthony Caro, a famous abstract sculptor; different joining methods including tabs, slots, string, glue and more. All of this learning has culminated in a range of abstract 3D sculptures of their own. The pieces are inspired by playground equipment but were to be completed in the abstract style of Sir Anthony Caro.
Thank you to any parents or guardians who supplied us with the 6 tonnes of cardboard we used during the process!
Below are some of the examples of both Anthony Caro's work and the children's masterpieces - see if you can spot the difference!
Year 5 spent Thursday morning at Tamworth Fire Station learning to be safe.
Robins and Ducklings enjoyed their first visit to the forest this week.